Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Thursday Night Crafts 8/23/12

Hello! Heather Rae here :)

After our delicious dinner it was time for our craft project of the night. Heather Beth found this one on Pinterest and thought it was something we could all handle. The original blog can be found here: http://twogirlsbeingcrafty.blogspot.com/2011/02/painted-wall-art-for-non-artists.html.

The directions were simple and super easy to follow. Mostly because it was all in the form of pictures with few words. We all picked up the supplies we would need before heading over to Heather Beth's for the evening. Of course, Heather Beth has plenty of paints so that wasn't something we had to worry about unless we wanted specific colors. (Which of course I did so I brought some of my own and used some of hers too).

Alright, so here's a look at the paintings in progress:

Heather Beth's

Heather Rae's




We took breaks throughout the process in order to let the paint dry. While our background colors were drying we went for a nice walk to hopefully burn off some of the cheesy goodness we had at dinner. Then while the branches were drying we helped Heather Beth clean up her kitchen, dinning room and the general mess we made while creating our Thursday Night Eats.

Now, back to the paintings. I think the dots were the hardest part. We all had different sizes of circle sponge brushes and all the different colors to choose from. It was difficult to decide where to start. But in the end I think we all had some pretty awesome looking, and equally unique pieces of art to hang in our homes.

Here's the finished products: 
Heather Beth's

Heather Rae's (Don't mind the crazy hair. It was a long day at work!)


Meagan's (Nice photo bomb Heather B)

Well, that is all for this edition of Thursday Night Crafts. Not sure what we have planned for next time, maybe some Fall Time/Halloween crafts??

-Heather Rae

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